What is the project? Why are we working on this?
This is a Theory of Computation assignment course, indeed automata theory. So it is about Grammar, Languages, and Trees. See my full notes here.
Because it's not easy managing and teaching grammar, languages, and regular expressions, we’d decided to contribute with a web universal tool such as Turing Machines, push-down automata, DFA to NFA, … but there are apps such as the CFG Developer tool, CyberZHG’s toolbox, https://hritikbhandari.me/NFA-to-DFA-Converter/#, and so on, they don’t help the academic community to do his job easily. We are going to provide an online software solution to show the theory of computation, we’re writing down in English in order to approach a lot of people around the world, choosing the GPL-3 license and we focus on the student and professor experience.
Information architecture